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[ANNOUNCEMENT] begins in English

Hello World! That’s what they say, isn’t it? The first thing we learn to display on a monitor, our first baby steps in the world of development. For us, it is more our first foray with the English language. So Hello World, from us all at GamersFlag.


Our website has been slowly growing over the last few years, striving to remain independent and keep a voice all of its own. In 2017, we have big plans, for the site, but not only. We’re pretty excited. One of the first steps we want to take is to diversify a bit. The language of the internet is English. There is no way around that. We are perfectly aware that French as a language is limiting our audience. We still are passionate about growing a good reader base in French, but why would we not offer our content to the larger English reading public too?

Our coverage of games goes from reviews to think pieces, to streams, to shows (with a brand new series coming soon). We are completely independant and self funded, and for as long as we can, we will be ad-free!

The bulk of our site’s content will always be produced in French, there is no changing that, it is still who we are. But we will be bringing more and more content in english too. Sometimes, translations of the French content, sometimes original pieces !

Keep an eye on this page in the near future !

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